How To Forget About Dieting And Start Losing Weight
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How To Forget About Dieting
And Start Losing Weight

By Alan B. Densky, CH

Nearly everyone trying to lose weight will consider dieting at some point. However, most dieters rarely achieve long-term success. This is because it can be difficult to stick to a diet and stay on track with a weight loss plan. However, there are other options for people trying to lose weight. 

Unlike a diet, hypnotism for weight loss will help motivate you to eat naturally healthier and exercise more. Here, I will discuss some popular diet plans, the keys to real weight loss, and how you can achieve weight loss through hypnosis. 

The high numbers of searches for free diet programs and free online diet plans show just how many of us are interested in losing weight. Some well-known diet plans are:

The Atkins diet, which is a popular low carbohydrate diet. It is based on the limited consumption of "refined carbohydrate" foods such as sugar and white bread. By restricting carbohydrate intake, this diet is supposed to help the body switch from burning carbohydrates for energy to burning fat (a process called ketosis).


The Ornish diet is an extremely low fat, vegetarian diet. It is a completely vegetarian diet, and when followed correctly, only 10% of total calorie intake will come from fat. The Ornish diet also strongly encourages exercise and stress-management, and has been used successfully to help reverse heart disease in many people. 

The Suddenly Slim diet program consists of taking diet pills and meal replacement shakes in hopes of increasing the body's metabolism to burn more calories. The products contain many herbal ingredients typically found in diet pills. The Suddenly Slim diet is supposed to work without increasing exercise or making other major lifestyle changes, although exercise and healthier eating will increase results. 

The Zone diet balances fat, carbohydrate, and protein intake, with 30% of calories coming from fat, 40% from carbohydrates, and 30% from protein. Like the Atkins diet, this diet is often considered to be "low carb." The Zone diet pays close attention to calorie intake and physical exercise to deliver results. 

The Cabbage soup diet can be found in many free online diet plans and is largely considered to be a fad diet. It consists of eating only low calorie cabbage soup for a week. Following this program may lead to a few pounds of weight loss, but when you resume normal eating habits, the weight will come back. In addition, continuing this unbalanced free diet plan for longer than a week may lead to poor nutrition and poor health. 

There are hundreds if not thousands of diet programs all promising fast results, but what many of these popular diet plans claim is not what they actually offer. They include meal plans that are irregular, unsustainable over a long-term period, or downright unhealthy. The truth is permanent weight loss is rarely achieved through a short, one-time diet session. 

Successful dieters will tell you that the keys to success are not in fad diets or even free diet programs, but in portion control, selecting healthy and satisfying foods, and exercising regularly. This sounds simple enough, but it can be hard to stay motivated to keep healthy habits and undo years of bad dietary choices. 

We often lose our motivation to exercise and eat right. Hypnosis can be used to change our bad habits and lack of motivation. Hypnotherapy weight loss programs work by tapping into the power of the unconscious mind to motivate you to exercise and treat your body right. 

Even the best free diet plans will not work if they are not followed through. Research shows that most diets fail because dieters simply cannot stick to them. After years of eating oversized portions, many of us are driven to overeat and our appetites are out of control. This is where hypnotism for weight loss can be especially effective. Hypnotherapy weight loss programs are highly successful in helping to regulate food cravings and control the appetite. 

For many people, another key to weight loss is stress management. Many of us are emotional eaters. We eat in response to our feelings, such as when we are sad or angry. This emotional attachment to food can make it easy to gain weight. We can use hypnotism for weight loss to develop alternative strategies for managing our stress and break the habit of associating food with our emotions. 

It is easy to learn hypnosis by yourself with a good self hypnosis program. There are weight loss hypnosis CDs specifically developed to promote weight loss through hypnosis. With simple techniques from my weight loss hypnosis CD programs, you can stop struggling to lose weight and become naturally motivated to shed pounds.

© 2007By Alan B. Densky, CH.  This document may NOT be re-printed without permission. All Rights Reserved.  We are happy to syndicate our articles to approved websites.

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